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Headteachers Welcome


Team Nelson 'Together we shine'



Nelson Primary School - Birmingham LiveValues and Ethos

Our vision at Nelson is to support pupils in being compassionate and capable individuals who make the world a better place.  Compassionate, so they have the will to make a difference; capable, so they have the skills to do so.  

Mission:  Our whole school curriculum aims to create ‘responsible, active citizens while promoting high academic and social aspirations.’ This is done within a happy, inclusive learning environment amid a culture of excellence for all. We believe in our pupils and aim to ensure that every child in our care discovers the skills for lifelong learning and is supported to develop as a valuable member of the global community. 

Our motto, Team Nelson: Together We Shine, represents our shared ethos: Our diversity is celebrated, our individual uniqueness is recognised and understood, but together we are stronger, can achieve more and are able to excel in all we do.  

Parents and carers are part of the team. For children to reach their full potential, we need to work in partnership to help each one to do their best and encourage the confidence in themselves that we have in them. We work tirelessly to support families and will go the extra mile to assist in any way we can for the good of our pupils.  


We expect the whole team to live by our ‘Diamond Rules’ which are:  

1. Show respect and good manners.  
2. Follow instructions with thought and care.  
3. Care for everyone and everything.  






Miss Forrest, MBA  NPQH  B.Soc.Sci